Thursday, February 21, 2008

Play dough

Sam loves to play with play dough and I am not a big fan of the store bought kind. Today I came across a great recipe on another blog and had to try it. It was fun and easy making it with Sam. He loved to put food coloring in it and mixing it all together. And the great thing about this play dough is that it is much easier to clean up off the table and floor. Enjoy!!!

2 c. flour
1 c. salt
4 t. cream of tartar
2 T. oil
2 c. water
food coloring or (2 pkgs sugar free jello)

Mix all ingredients and cook on medium heat. The mixture will begin to thicken, keep turning it and allowing it all to heat up until you form a big ball of play dough. Take off the stove and put on a counter or cutting board to knead. Store in an airtight container or ziplock bag. (If your children don't like the smell- you can scent it with coconut extract, or other nice smelling extracts.)