Wednesday, July 29, 2009

dark and quiet theater

I really need to go to a movie. And not just any movie, a real tear-jerker movie. And I really need to go by myself. I want to sit in a dark, quiet, empty, theater with no one I know and watch a movie all by myself. I've decided I'm going to do that in the next couple of days. My friend, Kara, does that a lot. She loves to go to the movie theater by herself and I never understood why until I had my own kids. I am just finishing the book, "My Sister's Keeper" and I am going to go see it on the big screen. I've already been told that it doesn't follow the book, but it is still good. I always try and read books before the movies come out, just for that reason, unless it's the Harry Potter series, and that in itself is one big jumbled up mess to me, anyway. Sometimes, it's just nice to get away and have some time for yourself. I also had some nice time by myself on Monday while I went and got the tires rotated and balanced and the oil changed on my car. Oh, and I made a quick stop to use my birthday gift card for a pedicure. It was fabulous to go by myself, leave the kids at home with my sister and just have my alone time. Fabulous. Sometimes that's all we need is a little regrouping and time alone. Ok, very random thoughts from me. :)